“No one has ever reached peak performance without a coach”
– Michael Dell

You are only as good as your last shift!
Know your numbers better than anyone else in your business

Stewart Koziora
“If we knew all the answers, we’d be in the library now”
What you should be reading – key books

Exisiting Business
Fitness Assessment
From reviewing the fundamentals to helping you identify the opportunities within your busines.
New Venue Openings
Offering assistance with business planning, brand & concept development through to project management.
This is about profit (when we re-open)
How much profit are you making? Seriously. Do you know? Not knowing that is like a pilot flying with no dashboard or playing / watching tennis not looking at scoreboard and you do so at your own peril. The only way to grow a business is through profitability; we all...
“Empowered” Managers in hospitality
What i'm about to say is all about the Line Manager and leads into ultimate outcomes for the customer: Based on development & responsibility levels, you are worthy to being “empowered” & I have “empowered” you And being “empowered” allows your team of being :...
“Growing Revenue” truly makes the great Venue Manager
Building trust & loyalty at the venue and the people at the venue is ALL about the Venue Manager : - being consistent in approach - being upfront, honest & provides feedback & updates candidly & regularly & honestly - getting rosters up early -...
7 Hill Street, Cremorne, VIC 3121