“Hire smart, or, manage tough!”

Part A: It’s all about “effective” recruitment because … you are either going to be doing it tough or doing it easy. The “Hire smart or manage tough” mantra by Red Scott from decades ago still ring true to this day. Managing “tough”  = having to...

The Re-Open post COVID-19:

Its good to re-open however losses are sustainable only to the balance in your bank account. Right now, there’s an opportunity to refine for this “re-pivot” back to the basics in the new reality. Going back to the basics in “old-school”...

Lead. Follow. Or get out of the way

The world is on fire. Most SME’s are “just” too big to get a hand out and you are on your own. Some owners are depressed and sad; others are “re-pivoting” and setting up for the re-opening (whenever that may be). My industry is Melbourne,...

“Engaged Employees = Ability to Grow”​

Whilst we are all very, very anxious to re-start from COVID-19 restrictions, lets continue to think about the re-launch in terms of “what-ifs’. Now is a great time to start with a bang & think about the grading of your staff. In the most simplest of...